heading one

Building a

Supporting, protecting and restoring the environment is embedded within our company ethos. Every project we deliver integrates designs, solutions and strategies which seek sustainable outcomes for the client and stakeholders, and also for the individuals, communities and natutal inhabitants that will the project will impact upon. Our environmental expertise allows our clients to unlock the potential of sites, as we tailor our outputs to their risk profile and quantify the hidden risks from contamination. We support our clients by providing due diligence and environmental risk assessments. This includes desk top and intrusive environmental appraisals, qualitative and quantitative site risk assessment, remediation strategies, their implementation and validation, contract administration of remediation works, emergency response and remediation services.

areas of expertise

Climate Resilience

Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate. With more extreme weather and rising sea levels, the reality of climate change is hitting society and organisations worldwide. As no community or sector is immune, developers, authorities, and governing bodies are ever increaing the environmental focus within built environment projects. Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change will create new, or alter current, climate-related risks, and taking steps to better cope with these risks. We work with clients to manage these physical risks and build long-term resilience in ways that deliver the widest possible social, economic and environmental benefits.

Natural Resource Management

Successful natural resource management requires balancing the competing pressures of development and the resources being used, with the protection of our natural environment. This is a critical challenge with the increasing pressures of population growth, urbanisation and climate change, and the need for ecologically sustainable development solutions. We understand the inherent complexity of natural resource management issues and the challenges faced by business, industry and government in managing resources sustainably within a strict regulatory framework. We work collaboratively with our clients to guide effective land management decision-making and to deliver practical and appropriate project solutions. Our focus is on the early identification and management of project risks and the production of high quality, technically rigorous and defensible documentation tailored to project needs and broader business objectives. Our experience covers water resource management, biodiversity surveys, wildlife conservation, soil erosion, urban and rural development.

Environmental Planning

Our goal is to ensure that land is used in the most efficient way possible, incorporating green building technologies and renewable energy, primarily water, into designs and systems to preserve ecosystems and environmetally sensitive areas. Due to heightened environmental awareness, projects often require environmental planning and a review of their potential impact on the environment. Our planning team work in parallel with our geo-environmental engineers, ecology and biodiverity consultants and water and land engineers, to seek ways to mitigate these impact by strategic, commercial, industrial development, and integrated resource planning. Our focus on Environmental Planning supports the facilitating of decision making to carry out land development with the consideration given to the natural environment, social, political, economic and governance factors to provide a holistic framework to achieve the most sustainable outcomes. Everyday we are enabling positive change through dynamic environmental and sustainability policy adherance, planning designs and proposals, and the undertaking of specialist studies which form the core of EIA and programme management, as well as co-ordinating with our wider specialist teams.

Environmental Risk Management

All businesses must manage the risks their activities may pose to human health and the environment from pollution or waste. Managing risk in a structured way helps businesses better identify, assess and control risks that could impact air, land, water and groundwater, as well as harm caused by noise. Our environmental expertise allows our clients to unlock the potential of sites, as we tailor our outputs to their risk profile and quantify the hidden risks from contamination. We support our clients by providing due diligence and environmental risk assessments. This includes desk top and intrusive environmental appraisals, qualitative and quantitative site risk assessment, remediation strategies, their implementation and validation, contract administration of remediation works, emergency response and remediation services. We then continue to maximise value by providing the necessary support to negotiate through the planning and construction process.

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